Interview with: P.L. Reed-Wallinger

Interview With Author; P.L. Reed-Wallinger

Titles: Dark Secrets, Forbidden Fantasies, Emma’s’ Choice and soon to be released in 2008- Obscene Obsessions.
Publisher: Trade, Rain Publishing Ontario Canada

How long have you been writing? Did you take any writing classes? Do you use a pen name? Why?

I have been writing since I was old enough to hold a pencil. I vividly remember once, when I was in first grade, trying to get a story written but not being competent enough to do so. We were living in Turkey at the time, and my dad was sitting on a screened-in porch, typing something. I asked him to type my story while I told him the words…and he did. Of course, it was crap. I was only six years old. But the drive was already there. The stories were starting.

At twelve, my father taught me to play the guitar. I had no money to buy music, but I wanted to play, so I wrote my own songs. Again, some of them were crap, but a few were actually pretty good.

I took a creative writing class my senior year, and even had one of my short stories read aloud to the class by the teacher—much to my utter horror. I was so embarrassed, but the point is, it was good. I KNEW I could write. It was an innate knowledge, an intrinsic confidence. I never questioned that ability—and still don’t.

When I finally made the decision to pursue publication, I decided on a pen name. I felt somewhat protective of my first name, so I opted to go with my initials. I also wanted to acknowledge my heritage as a writer, (both my father and brother are published writers), so I used my maiden name. Then, of course, there’s that need we all have for recognition—acknowledgement that YOU—(the you everyone knows)—has accomplished something worthwhile. Vanity rears its ugly little head. So, of course, I kept the last name my friends and family would recognize. Hence, the P.L. Reed-Wallinger.

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