What will sell your book?
By Author L.P. Chase
In my experience, I have learned, we, as authors, must sell ourselves first. We need to use some elbow grease and get ourselves out there. I have read recently, and agree, we could take two totally separate authors and have them write the exact same book, with the exact same title and the exact same cover illustration and one author will sell thousands of copies while the other will only sell a few hundred. Why? It’s obvious. One author sells himself. We must do some legwork, research viable markets, make contacts with bookstores, schools, drugstores, supermarkets, make appearances, self-promote, do book signings, call local radio stations and do interviews. Many authors panic at the thought, but lets face it, books don’t sell themselves…authors do!
Little gimmicks like giving away pens or pencils, bookmarks and posters are great starters and draw interest. However, that’s just the beginning. I find myself shamelessly self-promoting on line at supermarkets, toy stores even at sporting events. Every conversation I have with someone can potentially lead into my book. If a person talks about their child, I ask how old their child is. Bam! I find a perfect lead-in for my self-promotion. If someone is a schoolteacher, there’s my next opportunity. Perhaps the person is a counselor, I see another possible customer for one of my books. If my cousin’s friend’s uncle is a teacher, I find a way into that school to visit a classroom. We can’t be greedy. Offer a free visit every now and then. Talk it up. In the end, you’ll sell some books. It all depends on the topic of your book, the audience and your desire to get it out there. Today we have a world filled with millions of authors, some good, some great, and some so-so. The competition is fierce. But…it’s not always the “great” ones that sell the most books. It’s the ones that work for it. So kick off the shoes, roll up the sleeves and start selling.
Author P.L. Reed-Wallinger
Author P.L. Reed-Wallinger
P.L. is a leading author in the Romance Crime Drama venue, the detailed research is what makes this author stand out in the crowd, the novels are filled with fact and advice from experts seamlessly blending fact and fiction with spice and suspense.
Romance Crime Drama Books by P.L. Reed-Wallinger:
*sexual scenes and content, adult reading
Dark Secrets
Forbidden Fantasies
Obscene Obsessions, winter 2007-Rain Publishing
Teen Romance
Emma’s Choice-this book is rated 12+
Question: How did you research clairvoyance? In Dark Secrets, Jo's visions certainly seemed realistic and plausible. Did you speak with any clairvoyants to get an understanding of their abilities?
P.L. :I have always been fascinated with psychic phenomenon. That is one reason I chose to include it in my first novel. Actually, I have been accused of being empathetic to the point of possessing some clairvoyant tendencies, although they are minimal and inconsistent, at best. I believe most people have this ability, but some are more in-tuned to listening and using those instinctual nudges. So, there was a little personal experience involved in developing Jo’s ability.
I have also read novels where one or more characters were clairvoyant, which gave me some insight into the nature of that gift. For Dark Secrets, I initially went with gut instinct in writing about Jo’s psychic abilities, but I did do extensive research online, as well, and included much of what I learned in the novel. I did make email contact with a woman who has documented clairvoyant experience in helping police investigations, but have yet to try for an interview with her. Still, the option is there, should I feel the need to pursue research on a more personal level.
Personally, researching is one of my favorite parts of writing. Yes, it can be tedious, frustrating, and time-consuming, but you learn so much. You branch out and fill your brain, meet fascinating people, and/or road-trip to different settings to absorb them. As an author, I am very concrete. If I can comprehend it, see it, experience it, visualize it, or imagine it, I can capture it on paper. That makes researching the erotic scenes—mmm mmm grrrrrrrreat! J
Question: How did you research clairvoyance? In Dark Secrets, Jo's visions certainly seemed realistic and plausible. Did you speak with any clairvoyants to get an understanding of their abilities?
P.L. :I have always been fascinated with psychic phenomenon. That is one reason I chose to include it in my first novel. Actually, I have been accused of being empathetic to the point of possessing some clairvoyant tendencies, although they are minimal and inconsistent, at best. I believe most people have this ability, but some are more in-tuned to listening and using those instinctual nudges. So, there was a little personal experience involved in developing Jo’s ability.
I have also read novels where one or more characters were clairvoyant, which gave me some insight into the nature of that gift. For Dark Secrets, I initially went with gut instinct in writing about Jo’s psychic abilities, but I did do extensive research online, as well, and included much of what I learned in the novel. I did make email contact with a woman who has documented clairvoyant experience in helping police investigations, but have yet to try for an interview with her. Still, the option is there, should I feel the need to pursue research on a more personal level.
Personally, researching is one of my favorite parts of writing. Yes, it can be tedious, frustrating, and time-consuming, but you learn so much. You branch out and fill your brain, meet fascinating people, and/or road-trip to different settings to absorb them. As an author, I am very concrete. If I can comprehend it, see it, experience it, visualize it, or imagine it, I can capture it on paper. That makes researching the erotic scenes—mmm mmm grrrrrrrreat! J
Heartwarming Tales that Children and Adults will Both Love
Author Jeffrey Yosick Releases Two Heartwarming Tales that Children and Adults Will Both Love to Read Again and Again
“Madison’s Special Dolly and Timmy and the Storm teach children about love, giving, and letting go in touching tales by author Jeffrey Yosick.”
In his two new releases Madison’s Special Dolly and Timmy and the Storm, author Jeffrey Yosick teaches children valuable lessons about life and giving while creating stories adults will love reading to their kids. Just in time for the Christmas season and during this time of war, both these books are welcome additions to the host of children’s classics.
War is hard enough for any child to understand. It’s much harder to comprehend when your own father must leave to fight in a war. For many children, it’s a scary, yet bigger then life concept that they can’t completely grasp. Kids just know that it’s bad, that Daddy could get hurt. In Timmy and the Storm, Timmy’s mother uses a tale of three bunnies to help Timmy realize what his father has to do and to say good bye to him.
“When I wrote Timmy and the Storm my number one goal was to find a way to help the children of soldiers heading off to Iraq,” Yosick explains. “I actually wrote the story in 2004 after I received word that my brother would be deployed himself. I was able to take the emotions that were bottled up from my loss, and pour it out into the story that became Timmy and the Storm. Although this book was geared to children of military parents, it is a story that would help any parent explain to their children why soldiers have to go to war.”
Yosick’s inspiration for writing children’s books comes from his own three kids. Although he’s always been an avid writer and poet and been very passionate about the written word, it was having his children that truly made him see the way his words could be just as valuable to his readers as they are to him.
Madison’s Special Dolly is a result of that inspiration and filled with love and the spirit giving as we approach the holiday season. A little girl who saves all of her chore money for a special new doll finally gets to purchase it. On the journey home, something unexpected happens to make this little girl’s dolly truly a special one. Inspired by Yosick’s own daughter’s homemade gift to him and the joy she received from just giving it to him, Madison’s Special Dolly is a book kids and adults both will find heartwarming.
“My goal for this book is to show children and adults the valuable lesson of giving,” Yosick says. “I want the readers to walk away inspired by the actions of a little girl named Madison. It is my hope that people will see how love and giving can go beyond what our imaginations allow us to believe, and that the same joy that a person feels when they receive can also be felt through the selfless act of giving.”
Both books are now available at the publisher’s website by visiting http://www.rainbooks.com. Additional information and media inquiries should be sent to info at rainbooks dot com.
“Madison’s Special Dolly and Timmy and the Storm teach children about love, giving, and letting go in touching tales by author Jeffrey Yosick.”
In his two new releases Madison’s Special Dolly and Timmy and the Storm, author Jeffrey Yosick teaches children valuable lessons about life and giving while creating stories adults will love reading to their kids. Just in time for the Christmas season and during this time of war, both these books are welcome additions to the host of children’s classics.
War is hard enough for any child to understand. It’s much harder to comprehend when your own father must leave to fight in a war. For many children, it’s a scary, yet bigger then life concept that they can’t completely grasp. Kids just know that it’s bad, that Daddy could get hurt. In Timmy and the Storm, Timmy’s mother uses a tale of three bunnies to help Timmy realize what his father has to do and to say good bye to him.
“When I wrote Timmy and the Storm my number one goal was to find a way to help the children of soldiers heading off to Iraq,” Yosick explains. “I actually wrote the story in 2004 after I received word that my brother would be deployed himself. I was able to take the emotions that were bottled up from my loss, and pour it out into the story that became Timmy and the Storm. Although this book was geared to children of military parents, it is a story that would help any parent explain to their children why soldiers have to go to war.”
Yosick’s inspiration for writing children’s books comes from his own three kids. Although he’s always been an avid writer and poet and been very passionate about the written word, it was having his children that truly made him see the way his words could be just as valuable to his readers as they are to him.
Madison’s Special Dolly is a result of that inspiration and filled with love and the spirit giving as we approach the holiday season. A little girl who saves all of her chore money for a special new doll finally gets to purchase it. On the journey home, something unexpected happens to make this little girl’s dolly truly a special one. Inspired by Yosick’s own daughter’s homemade gift to him and the joy she received from just giving it to him, Madison’s Special Dolly is a book kids and adults both will find heartwarming.
“My goal for this book is to show children and adults the valuable lesson of giving,” Yosick says. “I want the readers to walk away inspired by the actions of a little girl named Madison. It is my hope that people will see how love and giving can go beyond what our imaginations allow us to believe, and that the same joy that a person feels when they receive can also be felt through the selfless act of giving.”
Both books are now available at the publisher’s website by visiting http://www.rainbooks.com. Additional information and media inquiries should be sent to info at rainbooks dot com.
Lets Talk About It!
Mondays 8pm (live on Thatradio.com): Authors, Musicians, Artists and Business Guru’s will join host Tilly Rivers each Monday evening from 8 to 9 pm Eastern Standard Time. These exciting and energetic guests are sure to offer conversations with an edge. Visit: RainBooks.com
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India, China, Russia and Brazil-Forgotten Cultures of Hollywood?
Holly-Bolly Films… are movies structured to be equally appealing to western audiences as to audiences of cultures in which Hollywood has made little penetration – such as India, China, Russia and Brazil. Veni Vici Entertainment’s initial focus is on India which is enjoying a 8% growth, with an entertainment industry that is currently growing at 18% per annum. We’ve baptized these films with great crossover potential as Holly-Bolly Films. They start with themes and stories that play out in both America and India, are driven by characters from both cultures, employ a cast from both countries, and can be enjoyed from the view point of either culture. Most important, Holly-Bolly films get produced in the off-shore country where important production savings can be realized. The first three projects are listed below.
The Horror of Surpanaka
The 5,000 year old demoness of Indian mythology is resurrected to star in an American genre film that takes place mostly in India. Three American, fun-loving college girls miss their boyfriends who went to India for an archaeological dig. The girls fly to India to surprise the boys but when they arrive they get the surprise of their lives. The boys are missing and badly mangled bodies of young men are cropping up everywhere, the victims of Surpanaka, who kills with a poisonous, lactic spray from her seductive bosom. Ads may run a headline: “Guys who see this film may never again dare touch a titty. One of the girls, a comical, phobia-filled youngster, overcomes her fears and transforms into the heroine who saves the boys and kills the demon. A new, eclectic, show-band, “The Hellions of Hades,” is introduced in this film and produces a number of novel music videos associated with the film for pre-promotion and publicity. Bdgt. $2-3m
Dangerous Days (for Dragon Dancer Vigilantes)
*Dangerous Days, the book co-authored by Actor/ stuntman David Stevenson and multi-award winning playwright Andy Halmay, released by Rain Publishing!
A modified Kung Fu film uses wire work and digital effects in martial arts as well as in ballroom dancing for a new dimension of beauty in an old tradition of violence.. A multiracial couple travel the world as ballroom dance competitors and dance contest judges while under the cloak of night they find and eradicate all links to the murderers of their parents. The story plays out in Japan, India, America and Canada but the bulk of production takes place in India where the film also introduces Kalaripayattu, India’s own and ancient martial arts in an exciting new version, enhanced by wire work and CGI. David Stevenson stars (www.stuntstevenson.com) and Tokyo’s darling, Bob Sapp is featured with either Elliott Gould, Dan Aykroid or Wm. Shatner also featured. Bdgt.: $6-$10m
Beats Viagra
A sexy comedy about a bigger-than-life American hustler and a sedate Indian professor,. They come to the same bank to do their banking and are accidentally locked up in the vault during a bank robbery to form an oddest-couple friendship. The American specializes in product placement in films & TV, thus is in constant contact with major entertainment figures. (Also, because of the fit within the story, this film will be heavily laden with product placement in a comic but effective manner for all concerned) While having street smarts, the American hustler is a naive lowbrow who had never heard of Kama Sutra. When he learns about this ancient art of lovemaking from his new friend, he becomes convinced that there is a fortune to be made in a chain of franchised sex education schools. He persuades the professor to come along in his lunatic efforts to get the enterprise off the ground. The film has fun examining the follies of American and Indian cultures. Two major names will star in this one – (Cuba Gooding or Dustin Hoffman) and a Bollywood counterpart. Bdgt.: $22-$40m
Veni Vici Entertainment * 403-221 Russell Hill Rd * Toronto, ON M4V 2T3 * 416-925-1271 * ddvenivici@bellnet.ca
The Horror of Surpanaka
The 5,000 year old demoness of Indian mythology is resurrected to star in an American genre film that takes place mostly in India. Three American, fun-loving college girls miss their boyfriends who went to India for an archaeological dig. The girls fly to India to surprise the boys but when they arrive they get the surprise of their lives. The boys are missing and badly mangled bodies of young men are cropping up everywhere, the victims of Surpanaka, who kills with a poisonous, lactic spray from her seductive bosom. Ads may run a headline: “Guys who see this film may never again dare touch a titty. One of the girls, a comical, phobia-filled youngster, overcomes her fears and transforms into the heroine who saves the boys and kills the demon. A new, eclectic, show-band, “The Hellions of Hades,” is introduced in this film and produces a number of novel music videos associated with the film for pre-promotion and publicity. Bdgt. $2-3m
Dangerous Days (for Dragon Dancer Vigilantes)
*Dangerous Days, the book co-authored by Actor/ stuntman David Stevenson and multi-award winning playwright Andy Halmay, released by Rain Publishing!
A modified Kung Fu film uses wire work and digital effects in martial arts as well as in ballroom dancing for a new dimension of beauty in an old tradition of violence.. A multiracial couple travel the world as ballroom dance competitors and dance contest judges while under the cloak of night they find and eradicate all links to the murderers of their parents. The story plays out in Japan, India, America and Canada but the bulk of production takes place in India where the film also introduces Kalaripayattu, India’s own and ancient martial arts in an exciting new version, enhanced by wire work and CGI. David Stevenson stars (www.stuntstevenson.com) and Tokyo’s darling, Bob Sapp is featured with either Elliott Gould, Dan Aykroid or Wm. Shatner also featured. Bdgt.: $6-$10m
Beats Viagra
A sexy comedy about a bigger-than-life American hustler and a sedate Indian professor,. They come to the same bank to do their banking and are accidentally locked up in the vault during a bank robbery to form an oddest-couple friendship. The American specializes in product placement in films & TV, thus is in constant contact with major entertainment figures. (Also, because of the fit within the story, this film will be heavily laden with product placement in a comic but effective manner for all concerned) While having street smarts, the American hustler is a naive lowbrow who had never heard of Kama Sutra. When he learns about this ancient art of lovemaking from his new friend, he becomes convinced that there is a fortune to be made in a chain of franchised sex education schools. He persuades the professor to come along in his lunatic efforts to get the enterprise off the ground. The film has fun examining the follies of American and Indian cultures. Two major names will star in this one – (Cuba Gooding or Dustin Hoffman) and a Bollywood counterpart. Bdgt.: $22-$40m
Veni Vici Entertainment * 403-221 Russell Hill Rd * Toronto, ON M4V 2T3 * 416-925-1271 * ddvenivici@bellnet.ca
Author Christine Cristiano signs copies of Church Mouse Poor
Church Mouse Poor
Author: Christine Cristiano
Thomas the mouse lives in the old church at the end of town. His usual Sunday morning takes an unexpected turn when he overhears one of the church’s parishioners say that they are ‘as poor as a church mouse’. Thomas's ears twitched. Thomas's ears quivered. He was shocked. He was stunned. He couldn't believe his ears. Was he as poor as a church mouse? Thomas sets out on a quest to find out what it means to be as poor as a church mouse and meets some interesting characters along the way!
Once Upon A Goddess
Author: Chris Stevenson
Release Date: November 2007
Publisher: Rain Publishing
What happens when you’ve lost everything in the world and even life doesn’t seem worth living? You should have remembered that luck is a real lady, and she’s on her way to the rescue!
Author: Chris Stevenson
Release Date: November 2007
Publisher: Rain Publishing
What happens when you’ve lost everything in the world and even life doesn’t seem worth living? You should have remembered that luck is a real lady, and she’s on her way to the rescue!
Felicity Fortune, the Roman Goddess of Luck, interrupts Mason Hart’s suicidal plans in the nick of time. It seems she was hampered by the bird flu and few other appointments, but it’s better late than never. She tells Mason that he’s ripe for a cosmic alignment and that his 15 minutes of fame and wealth are finally at hand. He is allotted six chances via the roll of the golden dice for his deserved share of the “Great Cornucopia.”
But as a result of Felicity’s tardiness, the cosmic alignment is about to unravel.
Beshaba, the Maid of Misfortune, has ear-marked Mason at the exact same time, to heap upon him the bad luck part of the equation. She is the evil incarnate daughter of Felicity, and now covets Mason for her own devious alignment. And everything that Beshaba represents is in stark contrast to her mother. It is a deliberate ploy to spite the good works of Felicity, thus laying down a challenge of cosmic power.
So Beshaba sends her minions to chase Mason Hart across the country to ruin and foul every fortune he accumulates. Mason enlists the aid of a big, clumsy cop, who’s convinced that he’s on a whirlwind vacation, until he realizes that beautiful women are popping out of cosmic portals and the minions of hell are just one step behind.
Their simultaneous claim to Mason forces the two Goddesses into a mythological cat fight in hell. He must discover the ultimate selfless act that will turn the tide in favor of the Goddess he loves. More importantly, he must find the solution and tear away the veil of darkness that could upset the divine balance between good and evil. But what Mason doesn’t know is that the final key is himself.
Oh, and Mason forgot one cardinal rule: you’re not supposed to fall in love with a Goddess.
Anyone who has enjoyed the storylines of Date With An Angel, Manikin, and Splash, will delight in this urban fantasy.
Also by this author:
The FCC, in the year 2115, is now comprised of law enforcement officers, who use terror and coercive interrogation to keep its people bottled up and suppressed. For a hundred years the written word has been forbidden and a new color bar language has been installed to safeguard the government’s super-tech discoveries. The United Western Enterprise becomes the supreme world power, isolating themselves from all foreign country contact and trade. All science journals and even the Declaration of Independence have been edited to "dumb down" the public. Society falls into catastrophic depression and neurosis. Executions and mayhem against the populace becomes rampant.
The newest discovery, Project Lift, galvanizes the Western Enterprise to further its vicious grip on the populace. Mail carriers are given the authority to break-and-enter private homes looking for any written word (contraband). There's talk of a preemptive strike against the Eastern Allegiance to "wipe them from the other side of the globe." Mikus Harold Markus decides that society has had enough. He learns of his own government's treachery against its citizens and must now lead a rebellion called CAT (citizens against tyranny). He must lead a clandestine rebel force that will motivate the people to rise up and reform the government and insure global peace. His mission: to find a 118-year-old African American man, Methuselah, who is rumored to be the last citizen left alive, who knows how to read and write. Only the government “Slugs” are not about to let that happen.
Anyone who has enjoyed the storylines of Fahrenheit 451, Logan’s Run, and A Brave New World, will delight in this futuristic thriller.
Breaking the Silent Rule in the Corporate World: Refusing to Master the Art of Deceit
Breaking the Silent Rule in the Corporate World; Refusing to Master the Art of Deceit
Seeing the need for corporate social responsibility.
Toronto (ON)- Rain Publishing, part of the Rain Enterprises Inc. group of businesses has been growing rather quickly over the last couple of years. As such the organization has been introduced to the clouded definition of what it means for business opportunities to be ethical and responsible.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a term that is thrown around in the world of business when it is politically correct to use, the guides are quickly pulled out from under the last desk drawer when asked questions about their CSR policies.
CSR is becoming the next hollow phrase of “ Of course I love you” when a teenager is trying to get past second base-- But what is really going on in the business world?
Is succeeding aggressively competing against others, no matter the harm? Does the definition of success mean unlimited drive for the ultimate in power? The result is now you can dictate the ‘slotting’ fees and implement polices that are unobtainable for the small or mid sized businesses.
You no longer have to fear that their product is better, you have the power to lock them out.
Ethics by contrast focuses on dignity, respect and honesty. Remember the days of a hand shake? Does honesty today really cost money, and promotions? It must, for the need to push out the smaller companies with back door ‘gifts’ and closed door policies are a requirement for a small to mid sized organization to succeed it seems. Play by the secret rules or stay home. But what if you are succeeding despite the corporate ‘bullies’?
Tilly Rivers, CEO of Rain Publishing asks “If the larger corporations’ product or service is so superior to the smaller organizations why than can they not stand behind the quality of their product alone?” she continues “ For example Rain Publishing is not interested in paying to have one of our books to be placed on the best sellers list, nor will we bump-up a ‘fee’ so that our titles are pushed through the distributors listing to ‘key’ titles. I have faith in my author’s talent, and am not scared to stand behind them knowing that they are artistic, this is the secret, if you wish to call it that, to our success. In my opinion when a leader’s ambition turns healthy competitiveness to selfishness and greed it is time for you to step down ”
“The demand for such a deliberate self-interested cover of ethics isn’t really surprising--there’s little question why someone might be drawn to deceit: money, the admiration of others, the power of control. The reverse is to be careful not to hurt other people, accepting full responsibility for what we do, helping others, and always treating them with the dignity they deserve, this may indeed in our business, as in life, cost us money, and power, however for Rain this is considerably cheaper than costing us our hearts, souls, and happiness.”
In closing Tilly tells us that she is not worried about the large corporations trying to block their authors, she knows that it is the readers that will support their prose either by ordering their titles on line or seeking out the small and mid size independent retailers in their area.
For more information on Rain Publishing, visit www.rainbooks.com or call 905-592-2122
Seeing the need for corporate social responsibility.
Toronto (ON)- Rain Publishing, part of the Rain Enterprises Inc. group of businesses has been growing rather quickly over the last couple of years. As such the organization has been introduced to the clouded definition of what it means for business opportunities to be ethical and responsible.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a term that is thrown around in the world of business when it is politically correct to use, the guides are quickly pulled out from under the last desk drawer when asked questions about their CSR policies.
CSR is becoming the next hollow phrase of “ Of course I love you” when a teenager is trying to get past second base-- But what is really going on in the business world?
Is succeeding aggressively competing against others, no matter the harm? Does the definition of success mean unlimited drive for the ultimate in power? The result is now you can dictate the ‘slotting’ fees and implement polices that are unobtainable for the small or mid sized businesses.
You no longer have to fear that their product is better, you have the power to lock them out.
Ethics by contrast focuses on dignity, respect and honesty. Remember the days of a hand shake? Does honesty today really cost money, and promotions? It must, for the need to push out the smaller companies with back door ‘gifts’ and closed door policies are a requirement for a small to mid sized organization to succeed it seems. Play by the secret rules or stay home. But what if you are succeeding despite the corporate ‘bullies’?
Tilly Rivers, CEO of Rain Publishing asks “If the larger corporations’ product or service is so superior to the smaller organizations why than can they not stand behind the quality of their product alone?” she continues “ For example Rain Publishing is not interested in paying to have one of our books to be placed on the best sellers list, nor will we bump-up a ‘fee’ so that our titles are pushed through the distributors listing to ‘key’ titles. I have faith in my author’s talent, and am not scared to stand behind them knowing that they are artistic, this is the secret, if you wish to call it that, to our success. In my opinion when a leader’s ambition turns healthy competitiveness to selfishness and greed it is time for you to step down ”
“The demand for such a deliberate self-interested cover of ethics isn’t really surprising--there’s little question why someone might be drawn to deceit: money, the admiration of others, the power of control. The reverse is to be careful not to hurt other people, accepting full responsibility for what we do, helping others, and always treating them with the dignity they deserve, this may indeed in our business, as in life, cost us money, and power, however for Rain this is considerably cheaper than costing us our hearts, souls, and happiness.”
In closing Tilly tells us that she is not worried about the large corporations trying to block their authors, she knows that it is the readers that will support their prose either by ordering their titles on line or seeking out the small and mid size independent retailers in their area.
For more information on Rain Publishing, visit www.rainbooks.com or call 905-592-2122
ThatRadio.com Annouances New On Line Program "Lets Talk About It"
ThatRadio.com Announces New On Line Program “Lets Talk About It!”
Tilly Rivers hosts ‘Lets Talk About It! A new talk radio show exploring the insides of the business and entertainment world.
Toronto (ON)-ThatRadio.com is Canada’s leading internet radio station, broadcasting to Toronto and the world since the summer of 2004. Located in the heart of Toronto thatradio.com continues to build a loyal following of listeners.
Tilly Rivers the host of Lets Talk About It has been added to their online programming schedule and will air every Monday evening starting November 5th between the hours of 8:00 and 9:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time.
The show will focus on Authors, Musicians, Artists and Business Guru’s revealing heart, personality, and passion. These exciting and energetic guests are sure to offer conversations with an edge. Rivers’ career connections spanning both the entertainment and business sectors are sure to draw guests from around the world engaging the audience to participate in the lively banter.
“The show’s name, Lets Talk About It” Rivers states “was chosen so I could purposely explore a wide variety of topics…maybe even including politics, religion and the politically incorrect!”
Hugh Reilly, Founder of ThatRadio.com adds “ThatRadio is proud to broadcast "Let's Talk About It", and is looking forward to working with Tilly Rivers on this new program, and to meeting the many interesting people who will be her guests.”
Tilly Rivers hosts ‘Lets Talk About It! A new talk radio show exploring the insides of the business and entertainment world.
Toronto (ON)-ThatRadio.com is Canada’s leading internet radio station, broadcasting to Toronto and the world since the summer of 2004. Located in the heart of Toronto thatradio.com continues to build a loyal following of listeners.
Tilly Rivers the host of Lets Talk About It has been added to their online programming schedule and will air every Monday evening starting November 5th between the hours of 8:00 and 9:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time.
The show will focus on Authors, Musicians, Artists and Business Guru’s revealing heart, personality, and passion. These exciting and energetic guests are sure to offer conversations with an edge. Rivers’ career connections spanning both the entertainment and business sectors are sure to draw guests from around the world engaging the audience to participate in the lively banter.
“The show’s name, Lets Talk About It” Rivers states “was chosen so I could purposely explore a wide variety of topics…maybe even including politics, religion and the politically incorrect!”
Hugh Reilly, Founder of ThatRadio.com adds “ThatRadio is proud to broadcast "Let's Talk About It", and is looking forward to working with Tilly Rivers on this new program, and to meeting the many interesting people who will be her guests.”
Media Talk with Jim Melvin on You Tube
'Death Wizard's' Jim Melvin on Tampa Bay's Media Talk
See Jim Melvin on YOUTUBE
See Jim Melvin on YOUTUBE
Rain Publishing Announces 2008 Authors
Rain Publishing Announces 2008 Authors
Rain Publishing, the Burlington, Ontario-based independent trade publisher embarks upon an aggressive growth plan by executing contracts with Authors from around the world.
Burlington, (ON)- Rain Publishing, now well into it’s previously announced expansion has successfully signed a variety of Authors—and is actively developing a diverse offering of books from authors located around the world.
Tilly Rivers, CEO of Rain Enterprises the parent company of Rain Publishing attributes the amazing interest shown by new Authors both to Rain’s network of contacts, as well as the strong support of independent enterprise. “Rain is a strong proponent of supporting independent enterprise,” Rivers said, “thus giving bookstores not only the standard trade discount, but going light years further by having no minimum order standard and direct ordering capabilities. This means that bookstores can order one book and we will ship it! We also encourage book sales for both the Author and the bookseller by arranging Author signings. We believe in supporting independent enterprise.”
The 2008 line up of authors includes the continuing six book epic fantasy series by Jim Melvin The Death Wizard Chronicles, Tina Griffith’s Shadow Blight will be sure to entertain horror fans and a superb picture book Silly Spoon by L.P. Chase. Chase is well known for her Elliot Stone mystery series for children seven plus.
Guy Verrault a former hostage negotiator has penned a mystery thriller The Boarding House and Kathi Blackwell, author of The Backyard Kids children’s series continues to entertain with the release of Trick or Treat Blues and Like Kate.
Rain will also be releasing three more children’s books by well known author Jeff Yosick, including a sequel to Timmy and the Storm called When Daddy Comes Home, which is a heartwarming tale of Timmy’s Dad returning from war in Iraq as well as Bryanna and the Sand and One Penny, One Hope.
Mary B McArdle takes us through the looking glass to discover what really happened to Alice all those years ago. The twist to this old tale however is not for children for Alice Reflected is a wonderful thriller that no one will want to miss. Stuart Rivers gives us a wonderful journey Search for the Beast and Susan Baruch- author of Paternity pens a delightful fiction tale of a single Jewish male dying of cancer and his quest to produce a family heir.
Gary Petras introduces us to Thorndancer and award winning playwright and author Sonia-Birch Jones opens the gates to magic in The Trouble Seeds. An unlikely hero is introduced in Donna MacNaughton’s Danny Howard series while Mary C White will not disappoint her fans with the release of Fantasies of the Mind.
Late summer and early fall bring Horane Smith’s Seven Days in Jamaica, Nicole Carleton’s Black Moth and Shelia Roy’s Legacy of Thirteen. Lucille Gang Shulkapper’s colorful picture book Out of Bed Fred while sure to have you laughing out-loud along with the children and Elizabeth Bellows brings us The Realm of Azra's Pith Part 1 The Boy's Journey. A beautiful and magical place where Empyrean wizards soar, and wonderful creatures live happily and peacefully.... most of the time that is…
Rediscover the enchantment of reading with the Rain Publishing family of authors.
For additional information, contact Rain Publishing at 905-592-2122
Visit the website at http://www.rainbooks.com/ Email info-at-rainbooks-dot-com
Rain Publishing, the Burlington, Ontario-based independent trade publisher embarks upon an aggressive growth plan by executing contracts with Authors from around the world.
Burlington, (ON)- Rain Publishing, now well into it’s previously announced expansion has successfully signed a variety of Authors—and is actively developing a diverse offering of books from authors located around the world.
Tilly Rivers, CEO of Rain Enterprises the parent company of Rain Publishing attributes the amazing interest shown by new Authors both to Rain’s network of contacts, as well as the strong support of independent enterprise. “Rain is a strong proponent of supporting independent enterprise,” Rivers said, “thus giving bookstores not only the standard trade discount, but going light years further by having no minimum order standard and direct ordering capabilities. This means that bookstores can order one book and we will ship it! We also encourage book sales for both the Author and the bookseller by arranging Author signings. We believe in supporting independent enterprise.”
The 2008 line up of authors includes the continuing six book epic fantasy series by Jim Melvin The Death Wizard Chronicles, Tina Griffith’s Shadow Blight will be sure to entertain horror fans and a superb picture book Silly Spoon by L.P. Chase. Chase is well known for her Elliot Stone mystery series for children seven plus.
Guy Verrault a former hostage negotiator has penned a mystery thriller The Boarding House and Kathi Blackwell, author of The Backyard Kids children’s series continues to entertain with the release of Trick or Treat Blues and Like Kate.
Rain will also be releasing three more children’s books by well known author Jeff Yosick, including a sequel to Timmy and the Storm called When Daddy Comes Home, which is a heartwarming tale of Timmy’s Dad returning from war in Iraq as well as Bryanna and the Sand and One Penny, One Hope.
Mary B McArdle takes us through the looking glass to discover what really happened to Alice all those years ago. The twist to this old tale however is not for children for Alice Reflected is a wonderful thriller that no one will want to miss. Stuart Rivers gives us a wonderful journey Search for the Beast and Susan Baruch- author of Paternity pens a delightful fiction tale of a single Jewish male dying of cancer and his quest to produce a family heir.
Gary Petras introduces us to Thorndancer and award winning playwright and author Sonia-Birch Jones opens the gates to magic in The Trouble Seeds. An unlikely hero is introduced in Donna MacNaughton’s Danny Howard series while Mary C White will not disappoint her fans with the release of Fantasies of the Mind.
Late summer and early fall bring Horane Smith’s Seven Days in Jamaica, Nicole Carleton’s Black Moth and Shelia Roy’s Legacy of Thirteen. Lucille Gang Shulkapper’s colorful picture book Out of Bed Fred while sure to have you laughing out-loud along with the children and Elizabeth Bellows brings us The Realm of Azra's Pith Part 1 The Boy's Journey. A beautiful and magical place where Empyrean wizards soar, and wonderful creatures live happily and peacefully.... most of the time that is…
Rediscover the enchantment of reading with the Rain Publishing family of authors.
For additional information, contact Rain Publishing at 905-592-2122
Visit the website at http://www.rainbooks.com/ Email info-at-rainbooks-dot-com
Veni Vici Entertainment Inc., and KiX PiX Offer Four Films
Veni Vici Entertainment Inc., and KiX PiX offer four Holly-Bolly films for all territories except the U.S., Canada, India and China. All of them come with “musical product placements.”
I’ll be happy to provide further details on any or all of them.
1. The Horror of Surpanaka
2. Dangerous Days for Dragon Dancer Vigilantes
3. Meng Ma & The Magic Brush
4. Beats Viagra
Holly-Bolly Films are structured for maximum crossover potential, can be enjoyed from the viewpoint of different cultures and target territories in which Hollywood has yet to make a big dent. We focus first on India and China. Musical product placement involves the creation of a musical group which is launched in the film and pre-promotes the film with early releases of CDs and music videos.
David Stevenson and I ( for KiX PiX) on Oct. 12th signed a book publishing agreement with Rain Books of Canada, for a book adaptation of our screenplay, “DANGEROUS DAYS for Dragon Dancer Vigilantes.” The book will be in publication some six months before the film is in release. The film will introduce wire work in ballroom dancing as well as in martial arts for a new measure of beauty in an old genre of violence. It will feature several well-known names.
“THE HORROR OF SURPANAKA” goes into preproduction in January in Mumbai, India. Uday Shankar Pani, one of Bollywood’s finest filmmakers, going back all the way to first assistant director on Richard Attenborough’s GANDHI, will be in charge of production. I will be directing and I can’t wait to get started.
Movie Records, division of Veni Vici Entertainment, is creating a themed show band, “THE HELLIONS OF HADES” which will be launched in
this film and which will produce four music videos linked to the film to pre-promote the film.
The film will star three young American stars-in-the-making as well as a number of well-known Indian performers.
The story resurrects Surpanaka, the 10,000 year old beauty-demon of Indian mythology. She kills young men with poisonous lactic spray from her seductive bosom. The script, however, treats the subject with a Hitchcock type combination of humor, building to tension-&-terror.
Novel marketing experiments in the Canadian test market will include theaters offering highly discounted Hellions of Hades CDs to buyers of tickets to the Surpanaka film. Concurrently, record retailers will hand out discount coupons for theater tickets to buyers of the Hellions CD.
MENG MA & THE MAGIC BRUSH: Color Chips of Hyderabad has committed to participate with 20 minutes of animation in this animation feature which is being set up as an International co-production.
This is the story of a Chinese Forrest Gump in the 1800s who searches the world for the Magic Brush of the ancient Chinese children’s tale which he believes is real. Between his hair-raising adventures, he shows up at the births of Sun Yat Sen, Gandhi, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, Pablo Picasso, and Adolph Hitler. Additional animation studios in India, France and the U.S. are sought as co-producers. Jackie Chan’s voice will be sought for the role of Meng Ma.
BEATS VIAGRA is in development. It will seek a major Hollywood name to play opposite a top Bollywood name.
Our present priority is THE HORROR OF SURPANAKA. I would like to pre-sell two European territories quickly to give our investors greater confidence. Would you like to hear more?
Best regards,
Andy Halmay,
Veni Vici Entertainment Inc.,
Toronto & Los Angeles
I’ll be happy to provide further details on any or all of them.
1. The Horror of Surpanaka
2. Dangerous Days for Dragon Dancer Vigilantes
3. Meng Ma & The Magic Brush
4. Beats Viagra
Holly-Bolly Films are structured for maximum crossover potential, can be enjoyed from the viewpoint of different cultures and target territories in which Hollywood has yet to make a big dent. We focus first on India and China. Musical product placement involves the creation of a musical group which is launched in the film and pre-promotes the film with early releases of CDs and music videos.
David Stevenson and I ( for KiX PiX) on Oct. 12th signed a book publishing agreement with Rain Books of Canada, for a book adaptation of our screenplay, “DANGEROUS DAYS for Dragon Dancer Vigilantes.” The book will be in publication some six months before the film is in release. The film will introduce wire work in ballroom dancing as well as in martial arts for a new measure of beauty in an old genre of violence. It will feature several well-known names.
“THE HORROR OF SURPANAKA” goes into preproduction in January in Mumbai, India. Uday Shankar Pani, one of Bollywood’s finest filmmakers, going back all the way to first assistant director on Richard Attenborough’s GANDHI, will be in charge of production. I will be directing and I can’t wait to get started.
Movie Records, division of Veni Vici Entertainment, is creating a themed show band, “THE HELLIONS OF HADES” which will be launched in
this film and which will produce four music videos linked to the film to pre-promote the film.
The film will star three young American stars-in-the-making as well as a number of well-known Indian performers.
The story resurrects Surpanaka, the 10,000 year old beauty-demon of Indian mythology. She kills young men with poisonous lactic spray from her seductive bosom. The script, however, treats the subject with a Hitchcock type combination of humor, building to tension-&-terror.
Novel marketing experiments in the Canadian test market will include theaters offering highly discounted Hellions of Hades CDs to buyers of tickets to the Surpanaka film. Concurrently, record retailers will hand out discount coupons for theater tickets to buyers of the Hellions CD.
MENG MA & THE MAGIC BRUSH: Color Chips of Hyderabad has committed to participate with 20 minutes of animation in this animation feature which is being set up as an International co-production.
This is the story of a Chinese Forrest Gump in the 1800s who searches the world for the Magic Brush of the ancient Chinese children’s tale which he believes is real. Between his hair-raising adventures, he shows up at the births of Sun Yat Sen, Gandhi, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, Pablo Picasso, and Adolph Hitler. Additional animation studios in India, France and the U.S. are sought as co-producers. Jackie Chan’s voice will be sought for the role of Meng Ma.
BEATS VIAGRA is in development. It will seek a major Hollywood name to play opposite a top Bollywood name.
Our present priority is THE HORROR OF SURPANAKA. I would like to pre-sell two European territories quickly to give our investors greater confidence. Would you like to hear more?
Best regards,
Andy Halmay,
Veni Vici Entertainment Inc.,
Toronto & Los Angeles
Eileen Kernaghan comments on Abductors
"Fairy lore, West Indian magic and alien abduction mingle in mysterious ways, in this off beat fantasy. Fast paced and full of intriguing detail, its surprising turn of events will keep young readers guessing."
Eileen Kernaghan
Abductors, a Young Adult Fantasy Novel by Bernadette Gaby Dyer, please visit http://www.rainbooks.com/ for more information
Eileen Kernaghan
Abductors, a Young Adult Fantasy Novel by Bernadette Gaby Dyer, please visit http://www.rainbooks.com/ for more information
Dragon Dancer Vigilantes
DANGEROUS DAYS for Dragon Dancer Vigilantes
Desmond Kamakura turns heads in Tokyo. He speaks and bows and does everything in a very Japanese way, but he is much taller than most Japanese, much more handsome, and very black. That’s because he is an adopted African who has been brought up with Maggie, the Kamakuras‘ real daughter, and no siblings have ever loved each other more or got along better.
Des and Maggie excel in martial arts. Also, they love ballroom dancing and it’s a joy to watch them move on the floor.
Des and Maggie are sent to college in America. They become fully westernized.
On their return, while out watching their favorite fighter, Japan’s greatest celebrity, the African-American kick boxer, Bob Sap, the Yakuza break into the Kamakura home, kill Mrs. Kamakura and torture him to get information which he doesn’t have.
When Des and Maggie come home they are devastated. With his dying words, Kamakura asks them to avenge him. They do so in spades.
They keep up a front as dancers, but in the dark of night they operate in a deadly manner, thus gaining the reputation as the Dragon Dancer Vigilantes. Ito, the top bad guy whom they have identified, not only keeps eluding them but does his best to have them killed.
They settle in Toronto where they can blend in and then they follow leads that take them to hair raising adventures in San Francisco, New York, Mumbai and the African village where Kamakura had found Desmond as a starving orphan. Here Desmond gets the man who killed his real parents. It’s very gratifying.
The book is an adaptation from the screenplay, “Dangerous Days” which is in development as a film.
Desmond Kamakura turns heads in Tokyo. He speaks and bows and does everything in a very Japanese way, but he is much taller than most Japanese, much more handsome, and very black. That’s because he is an adopted African who has been brought up with Maggie, the Kamakuras‘ real daughter, and no siblings have ever loved each other more or got along better.
Des and Maggie excel in martial arts. Also, they love ballroom dancing and it’s a joy to watch them move on the floor.
Des and Maggie are sent to college in America. They become fully westernized.
On their return, while out watching their favorite fighter, Japan’s greatest celebrity, the African-American kick boxer, Bob Sap, the Yakuza break into the Kamakura home, kill Mrs. Kamakura and torture him to get information which he doesn’t have.
When Des and Maggie come home they are devastated. With his dying words, Kamakura asks them to avenge him. They do so in spades.
They keep up a front as dancers, but in the dark of night they operate in a deadly manner, thus gaining the reputation as the Dragon Dancer Vigilantes. Ito, the top bad guy whom they have identified, not only keeps eluding them but does his best to have them killed.
They settle in Toronto where they can blend in and then they follow leads that take them to hair raising adventures in San Francisco, New York, Mumbai and the African village where Kamakura had found Desmond as a starving orphan. Here Desmond gets the man who killed his real parents. It’s very gratifying.
The book is an adaptation from the screenplay, “Dangerous Days” which is in development as a film.
The Boarding House
Guy Verreault was born and educated in Québec City. A former journalist, radio talk show host and hostage negotiator team member, he is fluent in English and French. Although he writes fiction, many of his novels reflect incidents and experiences of the past.
He lives in Cobble Hill, British Columbia, Canada.
Guy's prose "The Boarding House" will be released in Feb 08 from Rain Publishing.
The Boarding House
It does not take long for Penelope to discover that the Victorian Mansion she inherited from her former boss was much more than it seemed, upon discovering a secret tunnel leading from the Library to the Maid’s quarters she realizes that the men of the Victorian times were not so “Simon pure,” after all.
Turning the mansion into a boarding house might have been a brilliant idea at the time, however now she was wondering if it was more than she could handle...which had nothing to do with the many repairs or the tourists that where knocking on the door...
Be sure to visit www.rainbooks.com and pick up your copy of "The Boarding House" in February 2008!
He lives in Cobble Hill, British Columbia, Canada.
Guy's prose "The Boarding House" will be released in Feb 08 from Rain Publishing.
The Boarding House
It does not take long for Penelope to discover that the Victorian Mansion she inherited from her former boss was much more than it seemed, upon discovering a secret tunnel leading from the Library to the Maid’s quarters she realizes that the men of the Victorian times were not so “Simon pure,” after all.
Turning the mansion into a boarding house might have been a brilliant idea at the time, however now she was wondering if it was more than she could handle...which had nothing to do with the many repairs or the tourists that where knocking on the door...
Be sure to visit www.rainbooks.com and pick up your copy of "The Boarding House" in February 2008!
Maybe Just Maybe you Should Fear What Goes BUMP in the Night
There's a new horror author on the block and his name is James W. Foster. A name that fans of the genre will want to remember.
The fictional town of Vollmer's Hollow where most of his dark tales take place is modelled after his real home town, Port Dover, Ontario, Canada.
The intertwining novels and short stories that James has created appeals to anyone with a taste for the macabre. He likes to keep his tales believable, in most cases leaving readers thinking that what they have just read could quite possibly happen in the real world. This is the same type of fiction that he likes to read. James also likes to keep a steady mix of humor in with the horror.
"Let's face it," says James. "When people are frightened they quite often react in the most hilarious ways. Humans have always like to scare one another for that very reason."
When asked where he gets his ideas, James says, "I keep a legal pad on my night stand and eat something spicy right before bed. Works like a charm. My characters are composites made up of bits and pieces of real people," he says. "Whenever I talk to someone I watch them closely. So far as I can tell they aren't even aware that I'm doing it."
James says that once he has a vague story line, and the main characters of the tale in his mind he turns it all over to his muse.
"It's almost like one of those out of body experiences you hear about," he says. "I feel like all I'm doing is hanging back and watching someone else write. I haven't had the opportunity to talk to many other writers, but most of the few I have described it the same way."
Rain Publishing released four titles by James W. Foster. They are as follows:
Dianne Hollander
A psychotic woman with an all consuming desire to work in medicine. The odds of her achieving her goal are against her, but through devious methods she winds up in charge of a make shift nursing home. The results are drastic.
Tales of Vollmer's Hollow Book 1
A fresh approach to horror. Intertwining short stories. Some humorous, some not so much so. Many of the characters will have readers putting their own familiar faces to.
Tales of Vollmer's Hollow Book 2
More eerie tales. Not for the faint of heart. Readers will find returning characters from the first collection living through new horrific experiences.
A group from a boy's club found evidence of a gold mine during a hiking trip. Years later some of the boys return in hopes of finding untold riches only to discover that some things are better left alone.
Readers of James W. Foster's work keep coming back for more. The question he hears most often is, how much longer until the next one?
The fictional town of Vollmer's Hollow where most of his dark tales take place is modelled after his real home town, Port Dover, Ontario, Canada.
The intertwining novels and short stories that James has created appeals to anyone with a taste for the macabre. He likes to keep his tales believable, in most cases leaving readers thinking that what they have just read could quite possibly happen in the real world. This is the same type of fiction that he likes to read. James also likes to keep a steady mix of humor in with the horror.
"Let's face it," says James. "When people are frightened they quite often react in the most hilarious ways. Humans have always like to scare one another for that very reason."
When asked where he gets his ideas, James says, "I keep a legal pad on my night stand and eat something spicy right before bed. Works like a charm. My characters are composites made up of bits and pieces of real people," he says. "Whenever I talk to someone I watch them closely. So far as I can tell they aren't even aware that I'm doing it."
James says that once he has a vague story line, and the main characters of the tale in his mind he turns it all over to his muse.
"It's almost like one of those out of body experiences you hear about," he says. "I feel like all I'm doing is hanging back and watching someone else write. I haven't had the opportunity to talk to many other writers, but most of the few I have described it the same way."
Rain Publishing released four titles by James W. Foster. They are as follows:
Dianne Hollander
A psychotic woman with an all consuming desire to work in medicine. The odds of her achieving her goal are against her, but through devious methods she winds up in charge of a make shift nursing home. The results are drastic.
Tales of Vollmer's Hollow Book 1
A fresh approach to horror. Intertwining short stories. Some humorous, some not so much so. Many of the characters will have readers putting their own familiar faces to.
Tales of Vollmer's Hollow Book 2
More eerie tales. Not for the faint of heart. Readers will find returning characters from the first collection living through new horrific experiences.
A group from a boy's club found evidence of a gold mine during a hiking trip. Years later some of the boys return in hopes of finding untold riches only to discover that some things are better left alone.
Readers of James W. Foster's work keep coming back for more. The question he hears most often is, how much longer until the next one?
Welcome to the Realm of Contemporary Urban Gothic
In this heady mix of short fiction surreal violence and an off-kilter black comedy come to the fore. The result: intensely skewed visions of an immoral modern world, menacing and macabre. With these slices of the absurd O’Sullivan delves into the darker moments, perverted streaks, in an attempt to enlarge the peculiarities and foibles that are in us all; chimera and whimsy refuse to give way to analysis or rationalism, moments of fancy tower over emotion or depth.
Welcome to the realm of contemporary urban gothic.
ISBN: 9781897381120
Price: $17.95
256 pages
Caution: This prose is rated adult reading. www.rainbooks.com
Apologies to Avril
Apologies to Avril
(and celebrities in general)
By Krissy Brady
I would like to apologize to Avril Lavigne on behalf of those who know her or are a fan of her music, and who aren’t out to use her success for their own financial gain. I once read the Toronto Sun, and stumbled upon an article called Avril is sold out. It was about a guy from Avril’s past who was selling old love letters she had written on eBay. Some people were even selling rocks from Napanee, and were getting almost three dollars a piece for them. After reading it, I was embarrassed to be a human being. The fact that I am of the same species as people who do anything they can to profit off of Avril and other celebrities disgusts me. What disgusts me even more is that people actually buy what is being offered by these leeches, not even questioning their legitimacy, or more importantly, how it could effect the celebrity. It seems like you can’t be a fan of someone anymore, without people wondering whether there is a string attached.
I wanted to become famous, but now I’m not so sure. I mean, there is so much planning involved. I would have to discard all old photos of myself that could be considered “material”; I would have to burn everything I’ve ever written, ever worn, and ever touched; I would have to watch what I say; better yet, I shouldn’t talk at all. I could also never go out in public because I would be accused of having multiple love affairs.
Avril is a person who I have a lot of respect for. She moved away from home at a very young age to make her mark in the music industry, and is she ever. She has a distinctive style, and the best part is she can actually sing. She has worked beyond hard to get to where she is, and everyone should respect her for her guts alone.
To all of you who have criticized Avril, saying that she is overrated and just a product of an agency and some songwriters, let me ask you this: are you selling a gajillion records? Have you won a Juno? No, just the opposite actually. You are selling merchandise that Avril’s cousin’s second husband’s half-sister’s stepdaughter spit up on for financial gain, instead of getting a life.
I have no respect for people who, or publications that, think it is okay to exploit celebrities in order to make some extra cash. Who cares if Jennifer Lopez has been married three times? Not only has she worked very hard for everything she has, she also hasn’t forgotten where she came from. But no, let’s not look at the values that got her to where she is; let’s manipulate everyone so they look at her in a negative light, as if it is going to change how her true fans feel about her. Celebrities are not our puppets. They are human beings doing what they want to do for a living. So let them.
About Krissy BradyKrissy Brady is a freelance writer residing in Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada. She is the editor-in-chief of Brady Magazine, an online writer’s trade directory dedicated to putting writers on the map. She is also a poet, whose book Tidal Wave is currently in production (Rain Publishing).This article is free to publish as long as it is kept completely in tact.
(and celebrities in general)
By Krissy Brady
I would like to apologize to Avril Lavigne on behalf of those who know her or are a fan of her music, and who aren’t out to use her success for their own financial gain. I once read the Toronto Sun, and stumbled upon an article called Avril is sold out. It was about a guy from Avril’s past who was selling old love letters she had written on eBay. Some people were even selling rocks from Napanee, and were getting almost three dollars a piece for them. After reading it, I was embarrassed to be a human being. The fact that I am of the same species as people who do anything they can to profit off of Avril and other celebrities disgusts me. What disgusts me even more is that people actually buy what is being offered by these leeches, not even questioning their legitimacy, or more importantly, how it could effect the celebrity. It seems like you can’t be a fan of someone anymore, without people wondering whether there is a string attached.
I wanted to become famous, but now I’m not so sure. I mean, there is so much planning involved. I would have to discard all old photos of myself that could be considered “material”; I would have to burn everything I’ve ever written, ever worn, and ever touched; I would have to watch what I say; better yet, I shouldn’t talk at all. I could also never go out in public because I would be accused of having multiple love affairs.
Avril is a person who I have a lot of respect for. She moved away from home at a very young age to make her mark in the music industry, and is she ever. She has a distinctive style, and the best part is she can actually sing. She has worked beyond hard to get to where she is, and everyone should respect her for her guts alone.
To all of you who have criticized Avril, saying that she is overrated and just a product of an agency and some songwriters, let me ask you this: are you selling a gajillion records? Have you won a Juno? No, just the opposite actually. You are selling merchandise that Avril’s cousin’s second husband’s half-sister’s stepdaughter spit up on for financial gain, instead of getting a life.
I have no respect for people who, or publications that, think it is okay to exploit celebrities in order to make some extra cash. Who cares if Jennifer Lopez has been married three times? Not only has she worked very hard for everything she has, she also hasn’t forgotten where she came from. But no, let’s not look at the values that got her to where she is; let’s manipulate everyone so they look at her in a negative light, as if it is going to change how her true fans feel about her. Celebrities are not our puppets. They are human beings doing what they want to do for a living. So let them.
About Krissy BradyKrissy Brady is a freelance writer residing in Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada. She is the editor-in-chief of Brady Magazine, an online writer’s trade directory dedicated to putting writers on the map. She is also a poet, whose book Tidal Wave is currently in production (Rain Publishing).This article is free to publish as long as it is kept completely in tact.
Allies Review of Word Wars
Writers' Wednesday: An Interview with Chris Stevenson
Thanks for stopping by...this week we have another author interview. Say hello to Chris Stevenson, the author of sci fi futuristic novel Word Wars, a tale set 100 years in the future where the written word has been banned by the gov't. Let's hear what Chris has to say about his experiences with the world of writing and publication:
1. Hi, Chris! Can you tell us a little about your background?
A: I've been a resident of Southern California all my life. I've had occupations ranging from auto mechanic and service manager, to Federal Protection Officer. I was once stationed at the United States Geological Survey in Palo Alto, where I became engrossed with science and paleontology. I served as a content editor for a monthly newspaper called The Senior Citizens Reporter. I've had non-fiction books, poems, short stories, novels, radio plays, articles and profiles published in the past 17 years.
2. When did you first begin writing? Was there an event or moment in your life that triggered your desire to write?
A: I first became interested in writing at the age of 26 (a little late for the average writer). I just happened to peruse a magazine called The Twilight Zone. I believe I read my first supernatural short story at that time and proclaimed that I could do that, too...just as easily as the other authors. I was in for a rude awakening as to how much time and discipline was involved.
3. Tell us about Word Wars.
A: I asked myself what would happen if the Middle East completely cut off their oil supply to the United States. How far would we go in retaliation? What would we do to stem the need for petroleum? How far would we go, in a national security sense? Remembering Fahrenheit 451, and how much I enjoyed that book, I decided to take it a step further and devise a cruel and overbearing United States government, that not only isolates itself from the rest of the world, but also terrorizes its citizens into complete obedience.To guard against the discovery of recent technological advances in the field of friction-free electricity and anti-gravity, the Continental Security Agency bans the written words and installs the color bar language. The FCC and the U.S. Post Office, now have the authority to enter private residences, looking for contraband writing. They also have the authority to persecute the citizens, by inflicting horrendous civil rights abuses. I created a small rebel force, who've had enough of this subjugation, to ultimately put a stop to the cruelty and break down international barriers, which would bring about world peace.
4. How do you go about developing your characters?
A: Most of my characters are derived from real life instances, only I exaggerate their characteristics and traits, to give them more diversification. Sometimes I take this a little too far. I've used many past girlfriends in my stories, and for whatever reason, allowed happily ever after endings, despite of what might have occurred in the real life settings. I use a lot of irony in my "peopled" pages. Someone is always in conflict with another character. I not only throw rocks at my characters, forcing them to solve their own problems, but my characters throw rocks at each other, complicating the plot and making the collective objective all that much more impossible to reach. It's a miracle that any of them make it out alive.
5. Tell us about your promotion strategies. How do you plan on making Chris Stevenson a household name?
A: That's a tough one. I've now learned how to up set websites and Myspace blogs. I link just about every place that I can, without spamming. I think it's important to belong to the large writing groups on the net--to participate, gain respect and advise others on how to achieve their goals. Promotion from here on out will be nearly a full-time job, but it's a necessary evil, I guess. I think I'll wear my website on my sleeve every place I visit. Exposure is the name of the game. I can't rely on my publisher to do everything. I at least have to give it my honest and full participation.
6. What advice would you give to aspiring, unpublished writers?
A:Unpublished writers? Don't give up. This is a marathon. There is no instant gratification in this business. You have to be willing to put in endless hours of writing and editing, with no reward or recognition. And that's just the beginning hurdle. Getting someone else to read and critique your material is another obstacle. After that comes refining your craft, a constant and never-ending learning process. A young writer asked me a two-fold question once: "If I have the talent, can I be a writer, and how long will it take?" I answered: "You want to be a writer? Take a few aspirin, go into a dark room, lay down and wait for the feeling to pass. And it takes a long time, preferably a life time."
7. What kinds of books do you like to read? Who is your favorite author?
A: I've always liked science fiction and fantasy. Spec fiction. I like urban fantasy, too. I wish I could have written Bedazzled, Manikin, Date With An Angel, Splash, Click, Bewitched, Stepford Wives, anything in that vein. But I started off with lots of books by Robert Heinlein, and others like Ice Rigger, Virgin Planet, The Island, Jurassic Park, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Black Marble, The Onion Field, The Forever War, Ender's Game, Dune and many others. My favorite author amongst the lot is Poul Anderson--for his incredible irony and interpretation of the human condition. Next on my list would be Alan Dean Foster.
8. What do you find most difficult about writing? What do you find most exciting or rewarding?A:Editing is the most excruciating part of the process for me. I loathe it. If I could afford it, I would hire someone else to do it for me. The most exciting thing is to find my books in stores and behind the tables at BEA. I've been there, and caught a little lime light, and there is really no thrill that compares. It's very romantic. I also love first drafts. I can knock out a 400-page story in 10 weeks, and find the journey entirely enjoyable--no blocks or complaints whatsoever.
9. How do you balance writing with the rest of your life?
A:Writing is my life, so the weights are tipped very heavily on planting my keester on a chair and applying fingers to keys. My sleeping habits are so bizarre that nobody knows the proper time to contact me, so I get away with a lot time spent in front of the screen. I'm truly the hermit writer and can subsist on almost nothing. I keep house and lawn for my rent, so when those responsibilities are over, I'm free to murder the keyboard.
10. Can you tell us about your next writing project?
A: The next project is finished and just about ready for my agent. It's a paranormal thriller, about a woman who is given a second chance in life--a deal with the Roman God, Janus. She has to solver her own murder, and she's given some very unusual skills to accomplish her goals. It's called Gate Walker, and just might end up at Juno Books.
Interested in finding out more about Chris's novel Word Wars? Visit his publisher here. And leave a comment to let us know you were here, too!
Thanks for stopping by...this week we have another author interview. Say hello to Chris Stevenson, the author of sci fi futuristic novel Word Wars, a tale set 100 years in the future where the written word has been banned by the gov't. Let's hear what Chris has to say about his experiences with the world of writing and publication:
1. Hi, Chris! Can you tell us a little about your background?
A: I've been a resident of Southern California all my life. I've had occupations ranging from auto mechanic and service manager, to Federal Protection Officer. I was once stationed at the United States Geological Survey in Palo Alto, where I became engrossed with science and paleontology. I served as a content editor for a monthly newspaper called The Senior Citizens Reporter. I've had non-fiction books, poems, short stories, novels, radio plays, articles and profiles published in the past 17 years.
2. When did you first begin writing? Was there an event or moment in your life that triggered your desire to write?
A: I first became interested in writing at the age of 26 (a little late for the average writer). I just happened to peruse a magazine called The Twilight Zone. I believe I read my first supernatural short story at that time and proclaimed that I could do that, too...just as easily as the other authors. I was in for a rude awakening as to how much time and discipline was involved.
3. Tell us about Word Wars.
A: I asked myself what would happen if the Middle East completely cut off their oil supply to the United States. How far would we go in retaliation? What would we do to stem the need for petroleum? How far would we go, in a national security sense? Remembering Fahrenheit 451, and how much I enjoyed that book, I decided to take it a step further and devise a cruel and overbearing United States government, that not only isolates itself from the rest of the world, but also terrorizes its citizens into complete obedience.To guard against the discovery of recent technological advances in the field of friction-free electricity and anti-gravity, the Continental Security Agency bans the written words and installs the color bar language. The FCC and the U.S. Post Office, now have the authority to enter private residences, looking for contraband writing. They also have the authority to persecute the citizens, by inflicting horrendous civil rights abuses. I created a small rebel force, who've had enough of this subjugation, to ultimately put a stop to the cruelty and break down international barriers, which would bring about world peace.
4. How do you go about developing your characters?
A: Most of my characters are derived from real life instances, only I exaggerate their characteristics and traits, to give them more diversification. Sometimes I take this a little too far. I've used many past girlfriends in my stories, and for whatever reason, allowed happily ever after endings, despite of what might have occurred in the real life settings. I use a lot of irony in my "peopled" pages. Someone is always in conflict with another character. I not only throw rocks at my characters, forcing them to solve their own problems, but my characters throw rocks at each other, complicating the plot and making the collective objective all that much more impossible to reach. It's a miracle that any of them make it out alive.
5. Tell us about your promotion strategies. How do you plan on making Chris Stevenson a household name?
A: That's a tough one. I've now learned how to up set websites and Myspace blogs. I link just about every place that I can, without spamming. I think it's important to belong to the large writing groups on the net--to participate, gain respect and advise others on how to achieve their goals. Promotion from here on out will be nearly a full-time job, but it's a necessary evil, I guess. I think I'll wear my website on my sleeve every place I visit. Exposure is the name of the game. I can't rely on my publisher to do everything. I at least have to give it my honest and full participation.
6. What advice would you give to aspiring, unpublished writers?
A:Unpublished writers? Don't give up. This is a marathon. There is no instant gratification in this business. You have to be willing to put in endless hours of writing and editing, with no reward or recognition. And that's just the beginning hurdle. Getting someone else to read and critique your material is another obstacle. After that comes refining your craft, a constant and never-ending learning process. A young writer asked me a two-fold question once: "If I have the talent, can I be a writer, and how long will it take?" I answered: "You want to be a writer? Take a few aspirin, go into a dark room, lay down and wait for the feeling to pass. And it takes a long time, preferably a life time."
7. What kinds of books do you like to read? Who is your favorite author?
A: I've always liked science fiction and fantasy. Spec fiction. I like urban fantasy, too. I wish I could have written Bedazzled, Manikin, Date With An Angel, Splash, Click, Bewitched, Stepford Wives, anything in that vein. But I started off with lots of books by Robert Heinlein, and others like Ice Rigger, Virgin Planet, The Island, Jurassic Park, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Black Marble, The Onion Field, The Forever War, Ender's Game, Dune and many others. My favorite author amongst the lot is Poul Anderson--for his incredible irony and interpretation of the human condition. Next on my list would be Alan Dean Foster.
8. What do you find most difficult about writing? What do you find most exciting or rewarding?A:Editing is the most excruciating part of the process for me. I loathe it. If I could afford it, I would hire someone else to do it for me. The most exciting thing is to find my books in stores and behind the tables at BEA. I've been there, and caught a little lime light, and there is really no thrill that compares. It's very romantic. I also love first drafts. I can knock out a 400-page story in 10 weeks, and find the journey entirely enjoyable--no blocks or complaints whatsoever.
9. How do you balance writing with the rest of your life?
A:Writing is my life, so the weights are tipped very heavily on planting my keester on a chair and applying fingers to keys. My sleeping habits are so bizarre that nobody knows the proper time to contact me, so I get away with a lot time spent in front of the screen. I'm truly the hermit writer and can subsist on almost nothing. I keep house and lawn for my rent, so when those responsibilities are over, I'm free to murder the keyboard.
10. Can you tell us about your next writing project?
A: The next project is finished and just about ready for my agent. It's a paranormal thriller, about a woman who is given a second chance in life--a deal with the Roman God, Janus. She has to solver her own murder, and she's given some very unusual skills to accomplish her goals. It's called Gate Walker, and just might end up at Juno Books.
Interested in finding out more about Chris's novel Word Wars? Visit his publisher here. And leave a comment to let us know you were here, too!
The Ultimate Purple What?
Joyce Gilmour is a third grade teacher at Brooklyn Elementary School in Brooklyn, Wisconsin. She was born and raised in Wisconsin, getting both her B.S. and M.S. degrees at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. She specialized in Educational Psychology with a focus on gifted and talented education. She has enjoyed over thirty years of teaching third graders. Joyce and her husband have raised five adopted children, who are all now enjoying their adult lives. Joyce also facilitates Love and Logic Parenting classes for her school district, and believes in helping everyone she works with to put forth the effort that it takes to build healthy self-esteem. It has always been a goal to help others “reach for the moon and the stars.” The Educator’s Resource Guide to accompany Elliot Stone and the Mystery of the Alien Mom is a way for her to reach out to others to do just that with their children and/or students.
L.P. Chase
L.P. Chase is a poet and children's author. Elliot Stone and the Mystery of the Alien Mom is the first in the Elliot Stone series, the second Elliot Stone and the Mystery of the Backyard Treasure was released by Rain Publishing in the fall of 2007. L.P. is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and enjoys speaking to children and parents at local schools. Chase is also a moderator for the Children's Book Forum in Brady Magazine. She authored I Kiss the Moon, a poetry collection. She has received many awards for individual poems, which have appeared in several anthologies, the International Library of Poetry and more recently Applecart Magazine. She is a member of the Poetry Society of America and the Academy of American Poets. Chase is presently doing coursework at Suffolk Community College with the ultimate goal of earning a Master's Degree in Social Work. She is married with three children, who inspired her writing, and resides with her family in Smithtown, New York.
When L.P. and Joyce met, they had one thing in common, and that was Elliot Stone and the Mystery of the Alien Mom. They soon found out that they shared more in common, and that was the belief in a higher level of thinking. They decided to work together in creating this resource guide as encouragement for others to teach children that they can go far beyond their knowledge level and realize they can be smart in many different ways. They hope that you will find this resource just that….an encouragement for others to teach children that they can chase their dreams and reach for the stars.
Please visit www.lpchasebooks.com for more information.
Give the Public Stories They Want to Read
Rain Publishing Gives the Public Stories They Want to Read
“Rain Publishing a privately held independent trade publishing company that produces quality books by new, talented authors on subjects its readers want to read.”
Toronto (ON)-For years, the traditional publishing industry has paired up with the large distribution organizations to dominate the public’s bookshelves, telling readers what they want without ever asking. Choosing a good book was limited to what was out there; if a reader didn’t like the choices, they were left empty-handed or picking second best. A title was mass marketed and mass produced to inundate the marketplace with yet another clone. The question-- Was this truly what the reader wants? --Did not seem to be asked. The result--you can not walk into any book store these days without piles of books on clearance tables or frustrated readers place yet another book in the box for next year's lawn sale!
Rain Publishing is proud to be a little different and offer new authors the chance to emerge into the mainstream writing world because readers, parents, libraries, schools and book store owners have asked for new titles that are once again filled with passionate writings and have an amazing story to tell.
Rain Publishing is happy to fill that gap by giving quality literature to the public and giving those who are disillusioned with the written word a second chance!
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Rain employs the old rules of the corporate publishing industry to produce top quality, well written books. However, they also implement their own unique rule of providing a place for new authors to be published. “Having the advantage of being an author from a large corporate American publishing house before starting Rain Publishing, I am in a unique position of understanding both the author and the publishing industry,” founder and CEO Tilly Rivers explains. “It is my goal to keep everything that works and dismiss the ‘red tape’ processes that don’t.”
Rain Publishing’s “Golden Rule” as the catalogue of books they publish keeps growing is to keep listening and possibly finding the future classic in literature. New titles are available each month, and the publishing company has become not only a bustling literary marketplace, but also a family where book lovers and authors truly unite in the love of great literature.
Visit http://www.rainbooks.com/ and discover the titles of Rain Publishing today.
The Best of The Cooper Brothers
What's next for Dick Cooper? He already has a script being considered in LA, and plans on writing another book--there are also whispers in the wind that The Cooper Brothers may be doing a concert in Toronto soon---
Turning Away from the Streets
Convicted Creations “Poetry for the Ghetto Soul” was written while the author was in a correctional rehab program for over a year.
D.R. Wilson is twenty years old and was hooked on drugs and booze by the time he was thirteen.
These poems are written in street slang and are not for everyone, they speak of a world on the “other side” that most of us have never touched and are scared to believe exists.
“Do not be fooled into thinking that you could never cross over to this world, or that the one you love will not be touched—D.R. holds nothing back, his thoughts and fears are laced with the bitter truth, in these pages there is no escape, no way to cover up, or hide!”
~Tilly Rivers~
Convicted Creations, Poetry for the Ghetto Soul is dedicated not to the ones lost and on the streets, the truth for them is an every day reality and only they will be able to find the light to guide them from the darkness, this is dedicated to the souls about to cross over, for they no not what they are about to endure- D.R. Wilson
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