Sonia Birch-Jones.
The week before Christmas Eve is always a busy one up in the heavens specially
for a group of angels known as The Miracle Angels. It was their task to identify those humans on earth whom it was felt were deserving of a miracle.
Over the past fifty years or so it had become hard to find many humans who
qualified. True, there were many good humans who went regularly to their respective places of worship but whose prayers often lacked true faith and compassion for their fellow man. Life on earth had become increasingly difficult, many people suffered from starvation and persecution, thousands were homeless, there was increasing violence amongst the young, and there were several religious wars taking place. Peace on earth was truly threatened. Christmas was still celebrated but it seemed to be governed by greed and how many more gifts you could give your children than those of your neighbour.
All this was made clear to this celestial gathering by the Chief Miracle Angel.
“It seems,” he said, “as if man kind has forgotten the message of our Lord to “do unto others what they do unto themselves, or to love thy neighbour. Sadly, I feel the spirit of Christmas is disappearing.
He sighed, took a snow white handkerchief from the pocket of his gown and wiped his brow.
“However, at this special time of year we do try to find those who have prayed hard enough for a small miracle who might receive such a blessing. If this happens it seems to have a miraculous effect on others and there‘s little doubt it may well help to bring back a Christmas that is a true celebration of the birth of our Lord.
He sighed, shook his bald head so that his halo slipped a little to one side.
“Now. our Prayer Listeners have brought forward several prayers that seem very deserving but the one I personally like is one that Angel Maria has brought to my attention. It’s from a young, ten year old boy who lives in a place called Hogs Landing.”
He stopped as a little laugh went around the gathering.
“Well, yes, it is an odd name but it‘s the name of a small settlement in the North of British Columbia, and when you hear these prayers you will realise what has happened in this settlement and how they truly need help. Angel Maria has brought along the recording and the vision.. Would you mind turning it on my dear?”
Angel Maria smiled, her teeth gleaming in her dark, mischievous face. From a pocket in her robe she took out a gold object shaped like a ear, and then turned on a switch. The gold ear lit up and they could all see a freckle faced young boy kneeling by a bed, his hands clasped together in prayer. His voice was a little squeaky but quite clear.
“Dear God: My names Charles Jackson, although my friends call me Charlie. You can call me that if you like. I’m praying to you for our whole settlement and to see if you could bring back Christmas for all of us. I’m afraid I haven’t been very good this year so I’m hoping you’ll forgive me. I punched out Lester Ames and broke his nose ‘cause he said my Dad was responsible for the mill closing down and putting everyone out of work.
See, my Dad’s head of the Union., perhaps you have Unions up in heaven so you’ll know what I mean. Anyway, my Dad only wanted better safety conditions and just a bit more money, and I guess when the owners said no and shut the Mill down that’s when the trouble started,
. First, everyone got the flue and my Grandma died, then a lot of people who live on the Reserve got real bad flue and some of the old ones died, and they said it was the fault of my mum who’s the nurse for Hoggs. Said she didn’t come quick enough, but it wasn’t her fault God ‘cause she didn’t have help ‘cause the other nurse who helps her went skating on our lake and fell and broke her leg. Besides my mum‘s going to have a baby very soon., Then our store keeper got mad at Dad and refused him credit so we got put on short rations. I guess I should be telling you all this in Chuch but we haven’t been, nobody goes any more. It’s sad, I like Church and I like Mr. Martin the rector. He’s a good guy God. In the summer he plays baseball with us. Now he’s very sad, and going round telling everyone they must have faith and hope, but everyone looks like they swallowed a sour apple. God, I got to go now, but if it’s O.K. with you I’ll come back tomorrow night. . “Bye for now, and thanks for listening God.
Maria, turned off the golden ear and the Chief Angel waited while his audience chatted amongst themselves.
A young angel, tall and thin put up his hand.
“Yes John”
“Well, there’s no doubt there’s some trouble in that place but it doesn’t sound too serious.”
Maria’s’ hand shot up. “That’s only the first prayer. It gets a lot worse.”
The Chief angel smiled “Alright, quiet down everyone let’s hear some more.
This time Charlie’s voice sounded a bit subdued.
“Hello God, It’s Charlie again. Things are getting really bad around here. We’re snowed in. We had the worse storm, two of the boats belonging to my Uncle Henry and his friend George, broke lose and the wind was so big it smashed them against the moorings and my Dad said “There goes their livelihood.” “But worst of all is what’s happening to my Mum. I really hope you can help her God. I went down to the Church and asked Mr. Martin if he’d say a special prayer for her. See, the baby is supposed to come in January, but it looks like it wants to come early on. Now she’s real sick and there’s no one to take care of her. She can’t look after herself and there’s something real bad happening inside her,. She’s helped an awful lot of peole but right now no one’s come to help her. Big Annie from the reserve came over cause my mum gave her some nurse training but she shook her head and said my mum needed a Doctor.
The angels watched as the little boy began to cry , then wiped his eyes and began again./
- Please God I love my mum, so could you arrange something so she doesn’t die. Now, I got to go ‘cause my Dad’s gone down to the store where they’ve got a radio room and he’s going to try and get Jim Bradshaw who’s our flying Doctor to come and look after Mum,. I promise God if you’ll help I’ll even go and sing in the choir, though Mr. Martin says I sing off key. But I don’t think there’ll be any Carols this year, or any Christmas dinners. Last night Henry Moss lost all his turkeys when his stupid son Willie forgot to close the gate on the turkey run and the wolves came and took em all.. But none of that matters God, please help my Mum.”
No one said anything as the screen faded. Then one of the older angels said “Well, the lad has laid out a case for a small miracle. Any more prayers.
Maria nodded. “Oh yes, this one came in only an hour ago.”
“Dear God, I’m crying again.. I think my Mum’s going to die and I’m scared. Dad got through to the flying Doctor, but seems like on his way here the electrics in his plane broke down and now he radioed that he doesn’t know where he is and if he doesn’t come soon Amy Waters our next door neighbour says Mum’s going to .. Oh well, I wont say it ‘cause somehow I think you’ll help God.
Now I’m going down to the Church where all the people in our settlement have gone to pray for my Mum, except my Dad who’s by her bed holding her hand.
The angels watched as the young boy made his way through the snow drifts to the Church. where all the people praying for Nancy, Charlie’s mum.
Charlie crept into the Church and sank to his knees, his face wet with tears.
. “ I know boys shouldn’t cry, but right now there’s even tears in my Dad’s eyes, so I reckon it’s O.K. but please God could we have a Christmas miracle. Maybe you could help the Doctor get here even without his ‘lectrics.”
Sitting in this large white celestial room all the angels nodded their heads as they looked at the prayer screen and saw the little red haired boy kneel with the hundred or so inhabitants of Hoggs Landing and bow their heads in prayer.
Angel Maria switched off the golden ear and the image on the screen faded.
“Well?” asked the Chief Angel.
All those gathered raised their arms, their wings glinting in the heavenly light.
“Very well. Now young Maria since this is your case off you go and see what you can do to create a miracle at Hoggs Landing.
It took Angel Maria just a couple of heavenly moments to reach the flying doctor’s plane. It was just in time because the plane was perilously near to making a crash landing. As Dr. Bradshaw told people later he wasn’t sure what happened but his head seemed to clear and it was as if someone had put a compass there, In no time at all the plane was back on course on course and heading for Hoggs Landing.
The people in the Church suddenly heard the roar of the plane as it circled overhead. While Mr. Martin said “thanks be to God” they all rose and pushed through the Church doors waving and clapping as they saw the plane come down on the frozen lake.
Within minutes Dr. Jim was at Nancy’s bedside. He saw immediately what was wrong sent for Annie from the Reserve and several hours later Charlie’s Mum was delivered of a very small baby girl.
Angel Maria returned to the Celestial Hall just before everyone assembled to praise the birth of Jesus. Just before they left the Miracle Angels had one last look at the people of Hoggs Landing.
In the settlement snow was falling. There were lights everywhere and people streaming towards the little Church where it’s illuminated cross was a beacon of light.. Laughing talking and greeting each other they entered the Church,. Inside the Church the little organ was playing a carol and hidden behind the organ was Charlie,, on his knees and praying.,face scrubbed, red hair slicked down “Thank you God“ he said, ‘cause I know it was you fixed it all Now I’ve got a new sister and is she ever pretty my mum’s getting better , my Dad’s got a big smile ‘cause the mines going to open in January, the Chief on the reserve sent over a bunch of turkeys and everyone’s kissing and hugging each other. I think we’re going to have the best Christmas ever . Mr. Martin says it was a miracle.... Gotta go now, ‘cause like I promised I’m going to sing with the choir. Thanks again God.”
Thje miracle angels gave a sigh of satisfaction and then as the choir began to sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing, the choir master frowned and the angels chuckled as Charlie’s vice rose, definitely off key.
Sonia Birch-Jones, Trouble Seeds, YA Fantasy to be released in 2008 by Rain Publishing