Feast of Authors
The first annual Feast of Authors, a gathering of the writing community of Ontario, takes place on April 3, 2008, 6:00 to 9:30 p.m. at the North St. Lawrence Market, Jarvis and Front.
The evening will offer a banquet for book lovers. Over sixty authors, including Rain Publishing Inc. Bernadette Gabay Dyer, Louis Jannetta, Jeff Yosick, James W Foster, Richard(Dick) Cooper, as well members of the Writers' Union of Canada and the League of Canadian Poets, will be signing their books and meeting members of book clubs and other readers at this celebration of Toronto Dollar's tenth anniversary.
April is also the tenth anniversary of National Poetry Month, which will be marked by readings of Poetry Without Borders funded by the League of Canadian Poets and the Toronto Arts Council.
Other features of the evening are the Frankly Bob Literary, Art and Music awards and story time for children. Light refreshments and a cash bar will be available.
CTV's Tom Hayes is MC. Raffle tickets for a $500.00 shopping spree to be drawn that night are on sale every Saturday at the Toronto Dollar booth in the St. Lawrence Market.
Phone 416 361 0466 for information or to volunteer.