Author Jim Melvin of the Death Wizard Chronicles

This email was sent to Jim Melvin:


I don't know if you remember me, I met you in Highland, NC at your signing.
It was interesting, our meeting. At first, I listened. Here sat another aspiring author, blowing air on (and around) his books to keep the dust off boxes of unread, unworthy books, doomed for the lower shelves in the furtherest corners of the stores. WRONG!!! I am so glad you kept my attention and peeked my interest. I told you of the juvenile book I had just read in hopes for the next great series to quench my thirst. Thirst of far away travels of my mind, my break from this world, and how it failed so miserably. The Death Wizard Chronicles, The Pit, had everything I was thirsting for. The detail in which you wrote was exquisite and left me longing for more! Although I would like to have the next book immediately, I am wondering if you will have another signing in the (very) near future and where it might be. I would like to have my next book signed also and hope to meet you again. Soon, I am sure, there will be lines waiting to meet you with the hope of getting a glimpse of Torg and the future of Triken. I hope to be in that line. You are an impressive writer and I feel honored to have met you.
By the way, I would not DARE tear out the 20 pages, (at your suggestion) for my 11 year old. Honestly, the few times the "F" word was mentioned, she has heard it a thousand time more on the bus. The rest of the sexual stuff, is written appropriately and as far as her knowledge goes she is smart enough to ask questions and is satisfied with my answers. (No matter how vague.) I have read her many excerpts and she is wanting to read it very much. I will sway her for maybe a year but I see no need for much more than that. I agree it is not advisable for children that are not of an advanced maturity, you were right to caution. With that said, if you have the time, please let me know if you will have another signing soon, or if you have a link to that information.
Hope you get a grin as to my email address. No, I do not rank myself up there with the great and mighty Torg you have so brilliantly created, I am just an admirer. :-)
Your Newest Fan,
Julie Robinson

Look for Book Two: The Moon Goddess at

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