Lessons Through A Child's Eyes

"Lessons Through a Child's Eyes"

By Jeff Yosick

When I was a young boy growing up in a small town in Ohio, there was a small convenient store on one of the street corners. I would often stop by on my way home from school to buy a piece of candy or bubble gum. On one particular occasion I stumbled across a 10 dollar bill that someone had dropped on the floor near the candy display. Immediately, I began to think about all of the candy that I'd be able to buy! I might have been able to buy enough to last me for months!

I was only about 9 years old at the time and my thoughts of candy soon faded into the thought of who it might have been that dropped the 10 dollars. Although I was hesitant, I eventually turned the money into the store owner and explained that I'd found it on the floor. The owner was very pleased with me. Even though I walked away without any extra candy that day I left myself a story to share with my own children, and part of an inspiration for a future book.

I truly believe that many of life's greatest lessons can be seen in the actions of children. Many times these selfless acts of kindness have been instilled in a child's life by parents at a very young age, but when they occur they leave us standing speechless, and with a warm feeling in our hearts. It leaves us wondering, "Why aren't more people like this?"

When I wrote "Madison's Special Dolly," it became a goal to write the story based on a life lesson through the eyes of a child. In a world where greed has become king, it became a driving force of mine to put into words a story that will encourage children that they have the power to make a difference. They have the ability to go out on a limb, even when it results in a sacrifice of something they truly cherish. In my situation is was a 10 dollar bill that could have filled my pockets with candy.

If you are searching for a story that will inspire you, or would like to use as a tool to inspire children, "Madison's Special Dolly" is well worth taking a peek at. It is my hope that you will enjoy the story and will see the wonderful life lessons that it offers.

Author Jeff Yosick's book "Madison's Special Dolly" was released by Rain Publishing Inc. Ask for your copy at a local bookstore near you, or visit www.rainbooks.com or www.amazon.com

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