Native American Lore...A Love Story...

Native American Lore
A Love Story…

Desert Rain
By Wallace Dorian

Wallace Dorian's Desert Rain, takes his heroine, Cynthia Ryan on an ill-fated journey into Aboriginal country that is sure to please contemporary western readers. Mr. Dorian's characters jump out from the pages in their search for love and a place to call home.

Blending the myths and lore of the Native American experience through the Hopi people, Desert Rain has something to say about today's fast food, high-tech, anxiety-ridden world while also conveying an apocalyptic vision of a society that stands on the brink of a world war.

Throughout all this, lurking in the shadows, are the ghosts from the past that haunt each of the main characters. The story opens 500 years ago when Coronado is in search of the seven cities of gold and quickly brings us to the present day and the plight of the modern Aboriginal society.

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