Born Rebel
Alabama: Sixty years plus years young and still the rebel at heart. Author Mary Brunini McArdle has no plans to retire her pen, her watercolor pencils, or music anytime soon.
“My father always encouraged me in all endeavors.” In today’s society this statement does not hold the punch it did fifty some years ago. However when consider the times when women struggled to be considered ‘equals’ let alone intelligent adding the element that McArdle was raised in Central Mississippi, there is no wonder a born rebel was created.
Alabama: Sixty years plus years young and still the rebel at heart. Author Mary Brunini McArdle has no plans to retire her pen, her watercolor pencils, or music anytime soon.
“My father always encouraged me in all endeavors.” In today’s society this statement does not hold the punch it did fifty some years ago. However when consider the times when women struggled to be considered ‘equals’ let alone intelligent adding the element that McArdle was raised in Central Mississippi, there is no wonder a born rebel was created.
“I think I reacted against southern styles. They didn't fit. Neither did my environment. I am a born rebel.” McArdle states.
When most people are set in their ways of thinking anyone over sixty should be in a rocking chair or doting over grandchildren, Mary is active as a free lance writer at various traditional and on line mediums, has helped in the making of an original CD by local musicians, recently sold a water color painting in Memphis, and has a release of a paranormal suspense titled Alice Reflected (Rain Publishing Inc.) this summer.
“The title for this book was difficult. The first title gave away too much, the second was too trite, the third try was the working title for years, and finally the last and favorite; I thought of it, but asked a friend which of the third and fourth sounded best and without hesitation she replied "Alice Reflected."”
What’s next for this dynamo? “Currently I am working on what may be a novella. It is about an older woman experiencing some strange dreamlike memories. Her psychiatrist, an eager young man, is hoping he has a multiple personality on his hands.”
Is Mary’s secret her father’s encouragement to be different in a time when women were suppose to be proper southern ladies? Maybe, or as Mary says “My greatest accomplishment is that, even with all the troubles in life, I am a happy, contented person, with wonderful children and grandchildren, in whom I adore and yes dote upon. But I bore very easily and must have artistic challenges.”
Alice Reflected will be released in the summer of 2008- ARC’s are available by request. Alice Reflected will be available for purchase at select bookstores, and & upon release.
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